

电话: 0571-87951594







博士 1993~1996 日本名古屋大学

硕士 1991~1993 日本名古屋大学

学士 1982~1986 辽宁大学







1. X. F. Shang, J. J. Zhou, P. Zhao, Z. H. Li, Z. Q. Gu, Y. B. Xu, M. Wang*, The enhanced field-emission properties of screen-printed single-wall carbon-nanotube film by electrostatic field, Applied Surface Science 256, 2005 (2010).

2. H. Yang, X. F. Shang, Z. H. Li, S. Qu, Z. Q. Gu, Y. B. Xu and M. Wang*,Synthesis of large-area single-walled carbon nanotube films on glass substrate and their field electron emission properties, Materials Chemistry and Physics 124, 78 (2010).

3. P. Zhao, X. F. Shang, Y. P. Ma, J. J. Zhou, Z. Q. Gu, Z. H. Li, Y. B. Xu, M. Wang*, High-current-density field emission display fabricated from singlewalled carbon nanotube electron sources,European Physical Journal Applied Physics 42, 251 (2008).

4. X. F. Shang, M. Wang*, S. X. Qu, P. Zhao, J. J. Zhou, Y. B. Xu, M. Q. Tan and Z. H. Li, A model calculation of the tip field distribution for a carbon nanotube arrays and the optimum intertube distance, Nanotechnology 19, 065708 (2008).

5. X. F. Shang, M. Wang*, S. Qu, Y. P. Ma, M. Q. Tan, Y. B. Xu and Z. H. Li, A Model Calculation of the Tip Field Distribution for A Single Carbon Nanotubes, Journal of Applied Physics 102, 054301 (2007).

6. M. Wang*, X. Q. Wang, Z. H. Li, Z. Y. Liu, P. M. He, An Efficient Method to Produce Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Round-Trip Arc Discharge, Materials Chemistry and Physics 97, 243 (2006).

7. M. Wang*, Z. H. Li, X. F. Shang, X. Q. Wang, Y. B. Xu, Field Emission Enhancement Factor for Carbon Nanotubes Array, Journal of Applied Physics 98, 014315 (2005).

8. X. Q. Wang, M. Wang*, P. M. He, Y. B. Xu, Z. H. Li, Model Calculation for the Field Enhancement Factor of Carbon Nanotube, Journal of Applied Physics 96, 6752 (2004).



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