Simultaneous Excitation of Two Noninteracting Atoms with Time-Frequency Correlated Photon Pairs in a Superconducting Circuit

Editor: 周婷     Time: 2020-09-24      Number of visits: 53

Wenhui Ren, Wuxin Liu, Chao Song, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Zhen Wang, Dongning Zheng, Girish S. Agarwal, Marlan O. Scully, Shi-Yao Zhu, H. Wang, and Da-Wei Wang

We report the first observation of simultaneous excitation of two noninteracting atoms by a pair of time-frequency correlated photons in a superconducting circuit. The strong coupling regime of this process enables the synthesis of a three-body interaction Hamiltonian, which allows the generation of the tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state in a single step with a fidelity as high as 0.95. We further demonstrate the inhibition of the simultaneous two-atom excitation by continuously measuring whether the first photon is emitted. This work provides a new route in synthesizing many-body interaction Hamiltonian and coherent control of entanglement.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 133601

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