High Energy Physics

The high energy physics group at the Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics (ZIMP-HEP) conducts theoretical researches and teaching activities with a focus on the fundamental laws of nuclei and elementary particles, dynamics of quantum fields, and the nature of spacetime.

Current research directions at ZIMP-HEP include:


Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and S-matrix. The S-matrix is a fundamental physical observable in any model of elementary particles, and relates theoretical predictions to measurements in particle collision experiments. Investigations into its general analytic properties in recent years have revealed novel mathematical structures behind the dynamics of particle interaction, which not only leads to powerful computational techniques, but also points at new principles of perturbative quantum fields. ZIMP-HEP has an active team exploring many aspects of perturbative QFTs and the S-matrix, including topics such as generalized unitarity, double copy relations, twistor-string-like formulations, scattering in curved backgrounds, and so on.


Quantum Gravity. A consistent working theory combining quantum physics and general relativity is a main goal of current theoretical expeditions. It is relevant for our understanding of, e.g., physics near black holes and the evolution of early universe. String theory is one such candidate. During the past decades it is also gradually realized that quantum gravity receives certain holographic description, and there underlies a deep connection between quantum entanglement and the emergence of spacetime. In this direction faculty at ZIMP-HEP conduct explorations on string compactifications, string duality, black hole thermaldynamics, holographic quantum entanglement, etc.


Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). QCD is the theory for strong interaction governing quark, gluon, and nuclear matter. It is arguably the most complicated part of the Standard Model (SM), as well as a prototype of non-Abelian gauge theory with rich dynamics ranging from color confinement, running of coupling constant, emergence of jet, quark-gluon plasma, etc. To reveal the secret of this strongly interacting quantum field, faculty members at ZIMP-HEP perform active research on hadron physics, nuclear physics, lattice QCD simulation, and on dynamics of QCD at high energy.


Collider Physics and Beyond Standard Model (BSM) Physics. The Standard Model of particle physics is spectacularly successful in describing the physics at the shortest distance currently probed by human being. However, direct or indirect evidence from the naturalness problem, dark matter, dark energy, neutrino mass, origin of baryon-antibaryon asymmetry, etc, hint at new physics beyond the Standard Model. Faculty at ZIMP-HEP have a strong tradition in the study of BSM physics, including model building, collider phenomenology, precision test of the SM, heavy flavor physics, as well as application of deep learning in high energy physics.


The faculty of ZIMP-HEP includes Yi-xin Chen, Bo Feng, Hong-ying Jin, Ding-hui Lu, Ming-xing Luo, Kai Wang, Ye Yuan, Jian-bo Zhang, Guo-huai Zhu, and Hua-xing Zhu. For more details of the research activities at ZIMP-HEP, please consult the personal webpages of individual faculty members.

Link to Homepage of High Energy Physics Group:

Add: No. 8 Hainayuan Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou, 310027, P.R. China   

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